If you have a hefty amount of money that you have saved up, chances are that you might be interested in investing it somewhere. A safe investment in Pakistan can provide you a decent return while also protecting your money. If you’re an overseas Pakistani who is looking to invest in property in Pakistan and look around in the real estate market browsing for options, keep a keen eye!
Thankfully due to advanced technology, you can search for a variety of properties worth investing in from the comfort of your home, regardless of wherever you currently reside. Investment in property is usually at an all-time high for the most part of the year, but finding the right opportunity and grabbing it in time is what is key. Here are a few tips to keep in mind if you’re one of the people looking to invest too.
Since the property market has seen some easing from the government, the opportunities for investment have grown rapidly. This ultimately expands your options and creates uncertainty about which project to trust and invest your lifelong savings in. Especially if you’re residing in another country and may not have access to the actual site. However, with social media, everything becomes a lot easier. The initial step to decide after careful scrutiny is whether a housing project is worth investing in. How to know more about safe investment in Pakistan?
There are a few municipal authorities and administration bodies in Pakistan that are responsible for the regulation of housing projects and assure their legitimacy, for instance, the Karachi Development Authority (KDA), Defence Housing Authority (DHA), Capital Development Authority (CDA), etc. If you land on an opportunity that is a part of their projects, then go straight for it! If you come across a project that may not have the government’s approval and the administration keeps on lingering it, be alert because it is likely that the project has been canceled by the authorities, and potential buyers like you may remain unaware. Hence, save your resources for those housing projects which are reliable and approved by the appropriate authorities.
Safe investment in Pakistan requires finding the right builder group or developer who is trustworthy and has an extensive prior experience in the industry. You can find one by doing your own research on the Internet and you might come across some big names in the market who are recognized for their successful development projects in the past. Make sure whoever you choose should a have a clean track record. Good word-of-mouth will further help your case, especially since you’re an overseas Pakistani.
If you plan to visit Pakistan anytime soon, you will see a new building project every few kilometers that is looking for potential buyers in its initial construction stages, therefore, when you’re browsing for the best option, make sure to ask the developer about the timeline of when the project is most likely to be completed. And if you have a good developer, they will provide you with all relevant information truthfully by themselves. This is a green flag that makes your decision-making easier as you can analyze how timely the work is being done on the project and whether the developer will be delivering on time.
How can one know if the project they’re looking to invest in may not be a scam or if their money will be tied up in a project that may never get completed? Overseas Pakistanis like yourself should ideally look for realtors that are known for their good reputation or have a stronghold in the real estate market of Pakistan. Alternatively, if you or a relative knows a good realtor in the country, getting connected to them via a source can prove to be extremely helpful due to reliability.
Additionally, there are a few things you can check yourself to be sure that you’re not being scammed in any way. A credible project will always have a plan or a design that potential buyers can view and make decisions based upon them. These layout plans also need to be approved by the required government authorities. Secondly, the developer should possess a record of his ownership of the property that you have the right to see. Thirdly, do your due diligence on the liabilities of the property and see if any dues are not cleared. If you spot unpaid utility bills or any pending taxes, then look elsewhere to invest your money.
Buying a house in Pakistan has become increasingly simpler than before due to government easing and the Foreign Pakistani Foundation, which facilitates in providing legal and financial recommendations for foreigners in Pakistan looking for safe investment. The part you can play in this is by demanding all official documents, maintaining a track record of your own, and having all documents verified beforehand.
If you plan to buy land in Pakistan, trust the facts and figures and what you see instead of relying on false promises and big statements to ensure safe investment in Pakistan. Make sure that you’re steering clear of any Ponzi schemes that are only going to drain your money and time.
You can even make a checklist like does the land have a steady water supply? Will you be needing to spend extra on tankers if it is not. What is the area like? Is there too much traffic in the area? And so on. But if you have a trusted developer, then they will make sure you find the ideal project that fits your requirements accurately. One of the big names in the industry is Chapal Builders. We have been in the market since 1968 and have executed major housing projects, malls, villas, and much more. We have a global network and a wide customer base who now own multiple properties and even earn from them. So contact us today and invest your money wisely so that you don’t have any regrets later on.